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Emergency Call Button For Elderly

Today, more elderly adults are choosing to age in place at home with the help of their family, friends and an emergency call button.

elderly woman

While living alone offers seniors an opportunity to enjoy their independence vs being in a living facility, it also poses a few risks. Fortunately, a personal call button for elderly adults provides families with the security of knowing that their loved one can simply send an alert for help should they experience an emergency.

  • Wear an emergency call button around your neck worn as a pendant, or on the wrist with a wrist strap.
  • Press the button if you need help.
  • By pressing the button, the emergency call system initiates a call to our emergency response medical alert monitoring center.
  • A trained operator will know who you are, where you are, and ask if you need help.
  • Depending on your answer, the operator will call a friend, family member or neighbor. If it's a real emergency or they cant hear you, only then will they dispatch EMS and an ambulance.
  • Upon dispatch, the operator will call and send text messages to your emergency contacts.
So with an elderly call button you can easily get help when you need it. Studies show that people who get a personal emergency response system feel less stress and anxiety within the first year of getting their call button. Call us today and see if a help button is right for you: 1-855-272-1010.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Emergency Call Button for Seniors

As you might expect, we get a lot of questions about how an emergency alert button for elderly family members works!  Here are some of the most common questions:
Q. Can the emergency call button be worn in the shower?
A. Yes!  All of our emergency call buttons are "shower-safe" meaning they can get wet.  Some are completely waterproof, others are water / splash resistant.  You can definitely bathe with the emergency call button, and we generally suggest it does not get submerged in water.
Q. How much does the emergency call button weigh?
A. Our emergency buttons for elderly loved ones are designed to be lightweight and easy to wear.  Depending on which medical alert system you choose, the emergency call button will weigh between 0.4 ounces and 1.9 ounces.  See the full selection of emergency call buttons here.  
Q. How often do the batteries in the emergency call button need to be changed or charged?
A. Our HOME Medical Alert emergency call buttons never need charging or battery replacement - we expect them to last up to 7 years.  When the internal battery does get low, we are notified and will send you a completely new emergency call button replacement at no charge.  
The HOME & AWAY GPS and SmartWatch systems do require daily charging as they are cellular devices that are always communicating with the network.  
More information about medical alert batteries can be found here.
Q. Are emergency buttons, distress buttons, and panic buttons the same thing?
Emergency buttons, distress buttons, and panic buttons are often used interchangeably to refer to similar types of life-saving technologies. However, upon closer examination, we find that there are distinct differences that set these buttons apart.
While all three serve the general purpose of providing immediate assistance during emergency situations, they may vary in terms of their specific functionalities and contexts of use.
Emergency buttons, as the name suggests, are designed to be activated in critical situations where immediate help is required. These buttons are typically connected to emergency response systems, such as medical or security services, and are meant to summon professional assistance. For example, pressing an emergency button in a medical facility might alert healthcare providers to a patient in need of urgent medical attention.
Distress buttons, on the other hand, are often associated with personal safety devices, such as personal alarms or wearable devices. These buttons are typically used to signal distress or danger to others and are commonly utilized in situations where a person feels threatened or unsafe. For instance, pressing a distress button on a personal alarm device can emit a loud sound or signal for help from nearby individuals.
Panic buttons, although similar in functionality to emergency and distress buttons, are specifically designed to address scenarios where immediate help is needed in situations of extreme fear, panic, or danger. These buttons are commonly found in public spaces like hotels, schools, or workplaces and are intended to swiftly summon assistance in situations such as an active shooter or a security threat. Activating a panic button can trigger an immediate response from security personnel or law enforcement agencies.
While the core purpose of emergency buttons, distress buttons, help buttons, and panic buttons for seniors remains the same - to provide prompt assistance in critical situations - their distinctions in functionality and deployment make them suited for different scenarios and contexts. Understanding these differences can help individuals and organizations choose the most appropriate button system that aligns with their specific safety needs.

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