Nebraska Medical Alert

How To Get A Medical Alert System In Nebraska
From Abie to Yutan, we protect thousands of seniors in The Cornhusker State of Nebraska and nationwide. Protect yourself or an elderly loved one with a medical alert system and get peace of mind for the whole family! Our Medical Alert Systems start at under $1 a day with our award-winning customer service and monitoring. Start by finding your city below, or call us at 1-855-272-1010.
Medical Care Alert Coverage In Nebraska
Coverage By City In Nebraska
We cover the entire State of Nebraska with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your city or town listed below.
 When you press your medical alert button you'll be connected to our Emergency Response Center. You'll speak with an EMT/EMD-Certified operator who knows WHO and WHERE you are. Depending on what you need, we'll contact family, neighbors, or alert life safety EMS to your location. All responders are local, getting you help fast.
Abie, NE |
Kilgore, NE |
Adams, NE |
Kimball, NE |
Ainsworth, NE |
La Vista, NE |
Albion, NE |
Lakeside, NE |
Alda, NE |
Laurel, NE |
Alexandria, NE |
Lawrence, NE |
Allen, NE |
Lebanon, NE |
Alliance, NE |
Leigh, NE |
Alma, NE |
Lemoyne, NE |
Alvo, NE |
Lewellen, NE |
Amelia, NE |
Lewiston, NE |
Ames, NE |
Lexington, NE |
Amherst, NE |
Liberty, NE |
Angora, NE |
Lincoln, NE |
Anselmo, NE |
Lindsay, NE |
Ansley, NE |
Linwood, NE |
Arapahoe, NE |
Lisco, NE |
Arcadia, NE |
Litchfield, NE |
Archer, NE |
Lodgepole, NE |
Arlington, NE |
Long Pine, NE |
Arnold, NE |
Loomis, NE |
Arthur, NE |
Lorton, NE |
Ashby, NE |
Louisville, NE |
Ashland, NE |
Loup City, NE |
Ashton, NE |
Lyman, NE |
Atkinson, NE |
Lynch, NE |
Atlanta, NE |
Lyons, NE |
Auburn, NE |
Macy, NE |
Aurora, NE |
Madison, NE |
Avoca, NE |
Madrid, NE |
Axtell, NE |
Magnet, NE |
Ayr, NE |
Malcolm, NE |
Bancroft, NE |
Malmo, NE |
Barneston, NE |
Manley, NE |
Bartlett, NE |
Marquette, NE |
Bartley, NE |
Marsland, NE |
Bassett, NE |
Martell, NE |
Battle Creek, NE |
Maskell, NE |
Bayard, NE |
Mason City, NE |
Beatrice, NE |
Max, NE |
Beaver City, NE |
Maxwell, NE |
Beaver Crossing, NE |
Maywood, NE |
Bee, NE |
Mc Cook, NE |
Beemer, NE |
Mc Cool Junction, NE |
Belden, NE |
McGrew, NE |
Belgrade, NE |
McLean, NE |
Bellevue, NE |
Mead, NE |
Bellwood, NE |
Meadow Grove, NE |
Belvidere, NE |
Melbeta, NE |
Benedict, NE |
Memphis, NE |
Benkelman, NE |
Merna, NE |
Bennet, NE |
Merriman, NE |
Bennington, NE |
Milford, NE |
Bertrand, NE |
Miller, NE |
Berwyn, NE |
Milligan, NE |
Big Springs, NE |
Mills, NE |
Bingham, NE |
Minatare, NE |
Bladen, NE |
Minden, NE |
Blair, NE |
Mitchell, NE |
Bloomfield, NE |
Monroe, NE |
Bloomington, NE |
Moorefield, NE |
Blue Hill, NE |
Morrill, NE |
Blue Springs, NE |
Morse Bluff, NE |
Boelus, NE |
Mullen, NE |
Boys Town, NE |
Murdock, NE |
Bradshaw, NE |
Murray, NE |
Brady, NE |
Naper, NE |
Brainard, NE |
Naponee, NE |
Brewster, NE |
Nebraska City, NE |
Bridgeport, NE |
Nehawka, NE |
Bristow, NE |
Neligh, NE |
Broadwater, NE |
Nelson, NE |
Brock, NE |
Nemaha, NE |
Broken Bow, NE |
Nenzel, NE |
Brownville, NE |
Newcastle, NE |
Brule, NE |
Newman Grove, NE |
Bruning, NE |
Newport, NE |
Bruno, NE |
Nickerson, NE |
Brunswick, NE |
Niobrara, NE |
Burchard, NE |
Norfolk, NE |
Burr, NE |
North Bend, NE |
Burwell, NE |
North Loup, NE |
Bushnell, NE |
North Platte, NE |
Butte, NE |
Oak, NE |
Byron, NE |
Oakdale, NE |
Cairo, NE |
Oakland, NE |
Callaway, NE |
Oconto, NE |
Cambridge, NE |
Odell, NE |
Campbell, NE |
Odessa, NE |
Carleton, NE |
Offutt A F B, NE |
Carroll, NE |
Ogallala, NE |
Cedar Bluffs, NE |
Ohiowa, NE |
Cedar Creek, NE |
Omaha, NE |
Cedar Rapids, NE |
Oneill, NE |
Center, NE |
Ong, NE |
Central City, NE |
Orchard, NE |
Ceresco, NE |
Ord, NE |
Chadron, NE |
Orleans, NE |
Chambers, NE |
Osceola, NE |
Champion, NE |
Oshkosh, NE |
Chapman, NE |
Osmond, NE |
Chappell, NE |
Otoe, NE |
Chester, NE |
Overton, NE |
Clarks, NE |
Oxford, NE |
Clarkson, NE |
Page, NE |
Clatonia, NE |
Palisade, NE |
Clay Center, NE |
Palmer, NE |
Clearwater, NE |
Palmyra, NE |
Cody, NE |
Panama, NE |
Coleridge, NE |
Papillion, NE |
Colon, NE |
Parks, NE |
Columbus, NE |
Pawnee City, NE |
Comstock, NE |
Paxton, NE |
Concord, NE |
Pender, NE |
Cook, NE |
Peru, NE |
Cordova, NE |
Petersburg, NE |
Cortland, NE |
Phillips, NE |
Cozad, NE |
Pickrell, NE |
Crab Orchard, NE |
Pierce, NE |
Craig, NE |
Pilger, NE |
Crawford, NE |
Plainview, NE |
Creighton, NE |
Platte Center, NE |
Creston, NE |
Plattsmouth, NE |
Crete, NE |
Pleasant Dale, NE |
Crofton, NE |
Pleasanton, NE |
Crookston, NE |
Plymouth, NE |
Culbertson, NE |
Polk, NE |
Curtis, NE |
Ponca, NE |
Dakota City, NE |
Potter, NE |
Dalton, NE |
Prague, NE |
Danbury, NE |
Primrose, NE |
Dannebrog, NE |
Purdum, NE |
Davenport, NE |
Ragan, NE |
Davey, NE |
Randolph, NE |
David City, NE |
Ravenna, NE |
Dawson, NE |
Raymond, NE |
Daykin, NE |
Red Cloud, NE |
De Witt, NE |
Republican City, NE |
Decatur, NE |
Reynolds, NE |
Denton, NE |
Rising City, NE |
Deshler, NE |
Riverdale, NE |
Deweese, NE |
Riverton, NE |
Dickens, NE |
Roca, NE |
Diller, NE |
Rockville, NE |
Dix, NE |
Rogers, NE |
Dixon, NE |
Rosalie, NE |
Dodge, NE |
Roseland, NE |
Doniphan, NE |
Royal, NE |
Dorchester, NE |
Rulo, NE |
Douglas, NE |
Rushville, NE |
Du Bois, NE |
Ruskin, NE |
Dunbar, NE |
Saint Columbans, NE |
Duncan, NE |
Saint Edward, NE |
Dunning, NE |
Saint Helena, NE |
Dwight, NE |
Saint Libory, NE |
Eagle, NE |
Saint Paul, NE |
Eddyville, NE |
Salem, NE |
Edgar, NE |
Sargent, NE |
Edison, NE |
Saronville, NE |
Elba, NE |
Schuyler, NE |
Elgin, NE |
Scotia, NE |
Elk Creek, NE |
Scottsbluff, NE |
Elkhorn, NE |
Scribner, NE |
Ellsworth, NE |
Seneca, NE |
Elm Creek, NE |
Seward, NE |
Elmwood, NE |
Shelby, NE |
Elsie, NE |
Shelton, NE |
Elsmere, NE |
Shickley, NE |
Elwood, NE |
Shubert, NE |
Elyria, NE |
Sidney, NE |
Emerson, NE |
Silver Creek, NE |
Emmet, NE |
Smithfield, NE |
Enders, NE |
Snyder, NE |
Endicott, NE |
South Bend, NE |
Ericson, NE |
South Sioux City, NE |
Eustis, NE |
Spalding, NE |
Ewing, NE |
Sparks, NE |
Exeter, NE |
Spencer, NE |
Fairbury, NE |
Sprague, NE |
Fairfield, NE |
Springfield, NE |
Fairmont, NE |
Springview, NE |
Falls City, NE |
Stamford, NE |
Farnam, NE |
Stanton, NE |
Farwell, NE |
Staplehurst, NE |
Filley, NE |
Stapleton, NE |
Firth, NE |
Steele City, NE |
Fordyce, NE |
Steinauer, NE |
Fort Calhoun, NE |
Stella, NE |
Foster, NE |
Sterling, NE |
Franklin, NE |
Stockville, NE |
Fremont, NE |
Strang, NE |
Friend, NE |
Stratton, NE |
Fullerton, NE |
Stromsburg, NE |
Funk, NE |
Stuart, NE |
Garland, NE |
Sumner, NE |
Geneva, NE |
Superior, NE |
Genoa, NE |
Surprise, NE |
Gering, NE |
Sutherland, NE |
Gibbon, NE |
Sutton, NE |
Gilead, NE |
Swanton, NE |
Giltner, NE |
Syracuse, NE |
Glenvil, NE |
Table Rock, NE |
Goehner, NE |
Talmage, NE |
Gordon, NE |
Taylor, NE |
Gothenburg, NE |
Tecumseh, NE |
Grafton, NE |
Tekamah, NE |
Grand Island, NE |
Thedford, NE |
Grant, NE |
Thurston, NE |
Greeley, NE |
Tilden, NE |
Greenwood, NE |
Tobias, NE |
Gresham, NE |
Trenton, NE |
Gretna, NE |
Trumbull, NE |
Guide Rock, NE |
Tryon, NE |
Gurley, NE |
Uehling, NE |
Hadar, NE |
Ulysses, NE |
Haigler, NE |
Unadilla, NE |
Hallam, NE |
Union, NE |
Halsey, NE |
Upland, NE |
Hampton, NE |
Utica, NE |
Hardy, NE |
Valentine, NE |
Harrisburg, NE |
Valley, NE |
Harrison, NE |
Valparaiso, NE |
Hartington, NE |
Venango, NE |
Harvard, NE |
Verdigre, NE |
Hastings, NE |
Verdon, NE |
Hay Springs, NE |
Virginia, NE |
Hayes Center, NE |
Waco, NE |
Hazard, NE |
Wahoo, NE |
Heartwell, NE |
Wakefield, NE |
Hebron, NE |
Wallace, NE |
Hemingford, NE |
Walthill, NE |
Henderson, NE |
Walton, NE |
Hendley, NE |
Washington, NE |
Henry, NE |
Waterbury, NE |
Herman, NE |
Waterloo, NE |
Hershey, NE |
Wauneta, NE |
Hickman, NE |
Wausa, NE |
Hildreth, NE |
Waverly, NE |
Holbrook, NE |
Wayne, NE |
Holdrege, NE |
Weeping Water, NE |
Holstein, NE |
Weissert, NE |
Homer, NE |
Wellfleet, NE |
Hooper, NE |
West Point, NE |
Hordville, NE |
Western, NE |
Hoskins, NE |
Westerville, NE |
Howells, NE |
Weston, NE |
Hubbard, NE |
Whiteclay, NE |
Hubbell, NE |
Whitman, NE |
Humboldt, NE |
Whitney, NE |
Humphrey, NE |
Wilber, NE |
Hyannis, NE |
Wilcox, NE |
Imperial, NE |
Willow Island, NE |
Inavale, NE |
Wilsonville, NE |
Indianola, NE |
Winnebago, NE |
Inland, NE |
Winnetoon, NE |
Inman, NE |
Winside, NE |
Ithaca, NE |
Winslow, NE |
Jackson, NE |
Wisner, NE |
Jansen, NE |
Wolbach, NE |
Johnson, NE |
Wood Lake, NE |
Johnstown, NE |
Wood River, NE |
Juniata, NE |
Wymore, NE |
Kearney, NE |
Wynot, NE |
Kenesaw, NE |
York, NE |
Kennard, NE |
Yutan, NE |
Keystone, NE |
Coverage In Nebraska By County
We cover the entire State of Nebraska with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your county listed below.
Adams County |
Jefferson County |
Antelope County |
Johnson County |
Arthur County |
Kearney County |
Banner County |
Keith County |
Blaine County |
Keya Paha County |
Boone County |
Kimball County |
Box Butte County |
Knox County |
Boyd County |
Lancaster County |
Brown County |
Lincoln County |
Buffalo County |
Logan County |
Burt County |
Loup County |
Butler County |
Madison County |
Cass County |
McPherson County |
Cedar County |
Merrick County |
Chase County |
Morrill County |
Cherry County |
Nance County |
Cheyenne County |
Nemaha County |
Clay County |
Nuckolls County |
Colfax County |
Otoe County |
Cuming County |
Pawnee County |
Custer County |
Perkins County |
Dakota County |
Phelps County |
Dawes County |
Pierce County |
Dawson County |
Platte County |
Deuel County |
Polk County |
Dixon County |
Red Willow County |
Dodge County |
Richardson County |
Douglas County |
Rock County |
Dundy County |
Saline County |
Fillmore County |
Sarpy County |
Franklin County |
Saunders County |
Frontier County |
Scotts Bluff County |
Furnas County |
Seward County |
Gage County |
Sheridan County |
Garden County |
Sherman County |
Garfield County |
Sioux County |
Gosper County |
Stanton County |
Grant County |
Thayer County |
Greeley County |
Thomas County |
Hall County |
Thurston County |
Hamilton County |
Valley County |
Harlan County |
Washington County |
Hayes County |
Wayne County |
Hitchcock County |
Webster County |
Holt County |
Wheeler County |
Hooker County |
York County |
Howard County |
Coverage in Nebraska by Zip Code
We ship via USPS Priority Mail to all Nebraska Zip Codes - If you require overnight shipping, or don't see your zip code listed below please call us at 1-855-272-1010.
We cover the entire State of Nebraska with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your zip code listed below.
68001 |
68437 |
68843 |
68002 |
68438 |
68844 |
68003 |
68439 |
68845 |
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68431 |
68838 |
69363 |
68433 |
68840 |
69365 |
68434 |
68841 |
69366 |
68436 |
68842 |
69367 |
What resources are available for elderly seniors in Nebraska?
While not an exhaustive list, below are some agencies in Nebraska that can help you get started.
- Nebraska Area Agencies on Aging: all Nebraska agency locations
- Nebraska State Senior Services Help Line: 800-942-7830 or 402-471-4623
- Nebraska State Senior Services Email Contact:
- Nebraska Elder Abuse Hotline: 800-652-1999 or 402-595-1324
How much does a medical alert system in Nebraska cost?
The medical alert button cost is included in the price of your medical alert system - prices range from $27.45 to $45.79 a month for service. Our "HOME" annual plan pricing is just $27.45 a month. If you need an extra medical alert button, they are available for a small cost of $29.95 - $60.00 depending on the system type, click here to see the HOME Medical Alert Button. For around $1 a day, you or your loved one will be protected and able to continue living independently.
Can the button go with me if I move or am on vacation?
You can easily take our "HOME" or "HOME & YARD" systems with you on vacation, or if you are a SnowBird. It is very easy to unplug and re-install. Simply notify Medical Care Alert Customer Service at 877-913-3680 of your current location. Information can be changed anytime and as many times as needed at no charge.
Our "HOME & AWAY" systems can be taken anywhere in the USA. You will be protected anywhere you have coverage with the AT&T or Verizon cellular Wireless network.
See What Nebraska Residents Say About Medical Care Alert:
Nebraska Fun Fact: Hastings, Nebraska is the birthplace of Kool-Aid. In 1927, Edwin Perkins invented the popular juice drink Kool-Aid was by transforming his soft drink syrup “Fruit Smack” into the famous Kool-Aid powder, making it easier to ship.
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