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Protecting Your Health When You Live Alone Is Critical

If you live alone, a medical alert pendant can give you peace of mind.Living alone can be quite an ordeal, especially when you have to keep watch over your health.

Things can get all too lonely, but that shouldn't put you in hazard of falling ill, or in danger of aggravating an existing issue. Some people, including seniors, have to live alone for one reason or the other; however, you can ensure your health doesn't deteriorate in the following ways:

Your Medication Should Always be Close and Full

If you're living alone and have a history of health challenges, coupled with medications for such challenges, keep them close to you, or within reach.

Running out of medication could be catastrophic to seniors or those with health concerns. Consequently, having extra medication isn't for the fun of it, but to make sure you don't run out at crucial moments, or have to rush to a pharmacy for one.

Have Close Friends to Relate With

Most people's immediate reply to a question of 'why they love being alone' is "because I love it." While that's true for some, the fact is a lot of people have it the other way around.

Further, living alone doesn't have to mean lonely or loner, but it could fast degrade to that level. That's why you need people around you, close friends you can relate with, and keep your mind off many things.

Friends immediately help you communicate and have an active social life. Your health will receive the boost it needs while keeping ailments such as depression and cognitive decline at bay.

Get a Medical Alert System Installed

HOME & AWAY ULTRA Medical Alert System with GPS worn by elderly womanMany innovations have been designed to help seniors better protect their health, especially in times of emergencies. With a medical alert system, it makes it easier for them, loved ones, and medical personnel, to keep tabs on their health and safety.

Sometimes, it's as easy as a click of a button or sensors that immediately send signals to loved ones and emergency services. They'll detect falls, keep a check on health vitals, help to track intake of medications, and fitness.

Some come with a GPS location detection ability in case you get lost or wander too far and need help. If you're living in a remote location and have certain conditions like being prone to falls, you should get a medical alert system.

Keep Your Home in Good Condition

Many people seem to forget this fact. However, it is good practice to put stuff you don’t need away to make movement easier and safer for you. That's because they're potential hazards waiting to happen. Have things like slippery stairs replaced with something firm, and take all cords out of the way.

Also, falls is one of the many reasons why seniors have to go to the emergency room. As such, your home should be in good condition and free of obstacles that are easily forgotten, which may trip you over, and cause problems.

Have bad spots repaired, have adequate lighting and have wires organized and probably closer to the walls than a walking space. It would help if you also considered using the first floor so that you avoid the stairs totally. You can find more tips on keeping your home safe with our free guide "50+ Ways To Prevent Falls".

Handhold Bars and Railings in Your Bathroom

Living alone is already complicated, and having a bathroom without handhold bars is a risky proposition. That's because bathrooms are quite popular for being on the slippery side, due to the presence of water.

Add a bathing soap to that, and you get the idea of how things could easily slide on the surface. Further, bathrooms have been shown to possess the most risks for falls, than other places within and outside the home. With handhold bars around the toilet, shower, or close to the bathtubs, you won't be prone to falling any time soon.

Install a Security Camera

This has become a necessity with many seniors being the victims of robbery because they live alone. With security cam monitoring events, you won't have to worry about that a lot.

You'll have ample time to reach loved ones and or security operatives. Again, the footage serves as evidence, and a means to identify the criminals.

A link can be established for your loved ones to help you stay safe.

Maintain Your Health

It's okay to take many precautions, observe certain keep-safe procedures, and install some. But you have to go one step further by maintaining your health. To that end, practice healthy living, and avoid trigger spots that lead to falls, aggravations, new ailments, among others.

Take proper naps - observe good sleep patterns to maintain your mental health, quit smoking if you do smoke, manage stress better, do your bit to exercise regularly, and make a balanced diet part of your nutritional intake. Further, health screenings should be part of your routine.

Place Emergency Contact Information Close By

Free Vial Of Life Emergency Medical Information FormThis is vital and helps seniors to keep family and emergency services updated should the need arise. More so, old age and memory loss often go hand in hand.

While that's inevitable, you'd do well to have numbers written in conspicuous places to help you remember them and easily reach out.

Place them in wallets and purses, on the fridge, at your bedside, next to your TV set, etc. You can download our free Emergency Medical Information Form here and place a copy on your refrigerator where it will be handy and easily found by EMS.

These are measures to help you protect your health at all times. They're not all that easy, but totally doable when you make a habit of doing them, thus, leading to a comfortable, and happy life, living alone.

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