South Dakota Medical Alert

How To Get A Medical Alert System In South Dakota
From Aberdeen to Yankton, we protect thousands of seniors in The Mount Rushmore State of South Dakota and nationwide. Protect yourself or an elderly loved one with a medical alert system and get peace of mind for the entire family! Systems start at under $1 a day with our award-winning customer service and monitoring. Start by finding your city below, or call us at 1-855-272-1010.
Medical Care Alert Coverage In South Dakota
Coverage By County In South Dakota
We cover the entire State of South Dakota with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your County listed below.
 When you press your medical alert button you'll be connected to our Emergency Response Center. You'll speak with an EMT/EMD-Certified operator who knows WHO and WHERE you are. Depending on what you need, we'll contact family, neighbors, or alert life safety EMS to your location. All responders are local, getting you help fast.
Aurora County |
Hyde County |
Beadle County |
Jackson County |
Bennett County |
Jerauld County |
Bon Homme County |
Jones County |
Brookings County |
Kingsbury County |
Brown County |
Lake County |
Brule County |
Lawrence County |
Buffalo County |
Lincoln County |
Butte County |
Lyman County |
Campbell County |
Marshall County |
Charles Mix County |
McCook County |
Clark County |
McPherson County |
Clay County |
Meade County |
Codington County |
Mellette County |
Corson County |
Miner County |
Custer County |
Minnehaha County |
Davison County |
Moody County |
Day County |
Pennington County |
Deuel County |
Perkins County |
Dewey County |
Potter County |
Douglas County |
Roberts County |
Edmunds County |
Sanborn County |
Fall River County |
Shannon County |
Faulk County |
Spink County |
Grant County |
Stanley County |
Gregory County |
Sully County |
Haakon County |
Todd County |
Hamlin County |
Tripp County |
Hand County |
Turner County |
Hanson County |
Union County |
Harding County |
Walworth County |
Hughes County |
Yankton County |
Hutchinson County |
Ziebach County |
Coverage In South Dakota By City
We cover the entire State of South Dakota with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your city or town listed below.
Aberdeen, SD |
Letcher, SD |
Agar, SD |
Little Eagle, SD |
Akaska, SD |
Lodgepole, SD |
Alcester, SD |
Long Valley, SD |
Alexandria, SD |
Longlake, SD |
Allen, SD |
Lower Brule, SD |
Alpena, SD |
Ludlow, SD |
Amherst, SD |
Lyons, SD |
Andover, SD |
Madison, SD |
Arlington, SD |
Manderson, SD |
Armour, SD |
Mansfield, SD |
Artesian, SD |
Marion, SD |
Ashton, SD |
Martin, SD |
Astoria, SD |
Marty, SD |
Aurora, SD |
Marvin, SD |
Avon, SD |
Mc Intosh, SD |
Badger, SD |
Mc Laughlin, SD |
Baltic, SD |
Meadow, SD |
Barnard, SD |
Meckling, SD |
Batesland, SD |
Mellette, SD |
Bath, SD |
Menno, SD |
Belle Fourche, SD |
Midland, SD |
Belvidere, SD |
Milbank, SD |
Beresford, SD |
Milesville, SD |
Big Stone City, SD |
Miller, SD |
Bison, SD |
Mina, SD |
Black Hawk, SD |
Mission, SD |
Blunt, SD |
Mission Hill, SD |
Bonesteel, SD |
Mission Ridge, SD |
Bowdle, SD |
Mitchell, SD |
Box Elder, SD |
Mobridge, SD |
Bradley, SD |
Monroe, SD |
Brandon, SD |
Montrose, SD |
Brandt, SD |
Morristown, SD |
Brentford, SD |
Mound City, SD |
Bridgewater, SD |
Mount Vernon, SD |
Bristol, SD |
Mud Butte, SD |
Britton, SD |
Murdo, SD |
Brookings, SD |
Nemo, SD |
Bruce, SD |
New Effington, SD |
Bryant, SD |
New Holland, SD |
Buffalo, SD |
New Underwood, SD |
Buffalo Gap, SD |
Newell, SD |
Bullhead, SD |
Nisland, SD |
Burbank, SD |
Norris, SD |
Burke, SD |
North Sioux City, SD |
Camp Crook, SD |
Northville, SD |
Canistota, SD |
Nunda, SD |
Canova, SD |
Oacoma, SD |
Canton, SD |
Oelrichs, SD |
Caputa, SD |
Oglala, SD |
Carpenter, SD |
Okaton, SD |
Carthage, SD |
Okreek, SD |
Castlewood, SD |
Oldham, SD |
Cavour, SD |
Olivet, SD |
Centerville, SD |
Onaka, SD |
Chamberlain, SD |
Onida, SD |
Chancellor, SD |
Oral, SD |
Cherry Creek, SD |
Orient, SD |
Chester, SD |
Ortley, SD |
Claire City, SD |
Owanka, SD |
Claremont, SD |
Parade, SD |
Clark, SD |
Parker, SD |
Clear Lake, SD |
Parkston, SD |
Colman, SD |
Parmelee, SD |
Colome, SD |
Peever, SD |
Colton, SD |
Philip, SD |
Columbia, SD |
Pickstown, SD |
Conde, SD |
Piedmont, SD |
Corona, SD |
Pierpont, SD |
Corsica, SD |
Pierre, SD |
Cresbard, SD |
Pine Ridge, SD |
Crooks, SD |
Plankinton, SD |
Custer, SD |
Platte, SD |
Dallas, SD |
Pollock, SD |
Dante, SD |
Porcupine, SD |
Davis, SD |
Prairie City, SD |
De Smet, SD |
Presho, SD |
Deadwood, SD |
Pringle, SD |
Dell Rapids, SD |
Provo, SD |
Delmont, SD |
Pukwana, SD |
Dimock, SD |
Quinn, SD |
Doland, SD |
Ralph, SD |
Draper, SD |
Ramona, SD |
Dupree, SD |
Rapid City, SD |
Eagle Butte, SD |
Raymond, SD |
Eden, SD |
Red Owl, SD |
Edgemont, SD |
Redfield, SD |
Egan, SD |
Redig, SD |
Elk Point, SD |
Ree Heights, SD |
Elkton, SD |
Reliance, SD |
Ellsworth AFB, SD |
Renner, SD |
Elm Springs, SD |
Reva, SD |
Emery, SD |
Revillo, SD |
Enning, SD |
Ridgeview, SD |
Erwin, SD |
Rockham, SD |
Estelline, SD |
Roscoe, SD |
Ethan, SD |
Rosebud, SD |
Eureka, SD |
Rosholt, SD |
Fairburn, SD |
Roslyn, SD |
Fairfax, SD |
Rowena, SD |
Fairview, SD |
Rutland, SD |
Faith, SD |
Saint Charles, SD |
Faulkton, SD |
Saint Francis, SD |
Fedora, SD |
Saint Lawrence, SD |
Ferney, SD |
Saint Onge, SD |
Flandreau, SD |
Salem, SD |
Florence, SD |
Scenic, SD |
Fort Meade, SD |
Scotland, SD |
Fort Pierre, SD |
Selby, SD |
Fort Thompson, SD |
Seneca, SD |
Frankfort, SD |
Sinai, SD |
Frederick, SD |
Sioux Falls, SD |
Freeman, SD |
Sisseton, SD |
Fulton, SD |
Smithwick, SD |
Gann Valley, SD |
South Shore, SD |
Garden City, SD |
Spearfish, SD |
Garretson, SD |
Spencer, SD |
Gary, SD |
Springfield, SD |
Gayville, SD |
Stephan, SD |
Geddes, SD |
Stickney, SD |
Gettysburg, SD |
Stockholm, SD |
Glencross, SD |
Strandburg, SD |
Glenham, SD |
Stratford, SD |
Goodwin, SD |
Sturgis, SD |
Gregory, SD |
Summit, SD |
Grenville, SD |
Tabor, SD |
Groton, SD |
Tea, SD |
Hamill, SD |
Timber Lake, SD |
Harrisburg, SD |
Tolstoy, SD |
Harrison, SD |
Toronto, SD |
Harrold, SD |
Trail City, SD |
Hartford, SD |
Trent, SD |
Hayes, SD |
Tripp, SD |
Hayti, SD |
Tulare, SD |
Hazel, SD |
Turton, SD |
Hecla, SD |
Tuthill, SD |
Henry, SD |
Twin Brooks, SD |
Hermosa, SD |
Tyndall, SD |
Herreid, SD |
Union Center, SD |
Herrick, SD |
Utica, SD |
Hetland, SD |
Vale, SD |
Highmore, SD |
Valley Springs, SD |
Hill City, SD |
Veblen, SD |
Hitchcock, SD |
Vermillion, SD |
Holabird, SD |
Viborg, SD |
Hosmer, SD |
Vienna, SD |
Hot Springs, SD |
Virgil, SD |
Houghton, SD |
Vivian, SD |
Hoven, SD |
Volga, SD |
Howard, SD |
Volin, SD |
Howes, SD |
Wagner, SD |
Hudson, SD |
Wakonda, SD |
Humboldt, SD |
Wakpala, SD |
Hurley, SD |
Walker, SD |
Huron, SD |
Wall, SD |
Ideal, SD |
Wallace, SD |
Interior, SD |
Wanblee, SD |
Iona, SD |
Warner, SD |
Ipswich, SD |
Wasta, SD |
Irene, SD |
Watauga, SD |
Iroquois, SD |
Watertown, SD |
Isabel, SD |
Waubay, SD |
Java, SD |
Webster, SD |
Jefferson, SD |
Wentworth, SD |
Kadoka, SD |
Wessington, SD |
Kaylor, SD |
Wessington Springs, SD |
Keldron, SD |
Westport, SD |
Kennebec, SD |
White, SD |
Keystone, SD |
White Lake, SD |
Kimball, SD |
White Owl, SD |
Kranzburg, SD |
White River, SD |
Kyle, SD |
Whitehorse, SD |
Labolt, SD |
Whitewood, SD |
Lake Andes, SD |
Willow Lake, SD |
Lake City, SD |
Wilmot, SD |
Lake Norden, SD |
Winfred, SD |
Lake Preston, SD |
Winner, SD |
Lane, SD |
Witten, SD |
Langford, SD |
Wolsey, SD |
Lantry, SD |
Wood, SD |
Lead, SD |
Woonsocket, SD |
Lebanon, SD |
Worthing, SD |
Lemmon, SD |
Wounded Knee, SD |
Lennox, SD |
Yale, SD |
Leola, SD |
Yankton, SD |
Lesterville, SD |
Coverage in South Dakota by Zip Code
We ship via USPS Priority Mail to all South Dakota Zip Codes - If you require overnight shipping, or don't see your zip code listed below please call us at 1-855-272-1010.
We cover the entire State of South Dakota with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your zip code listed below.
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What resources are available for elderly seniors in South Dakota?
While not an exhaustive list, below are some agencies in South Dakota that can help you get started.
How much does a medical alert system in South Dakota cost?
The medical alert button cost is included in the price of your medical alert system - prices range from $27.45 to $45.79 a month for service. Our "HOME" annual plan pricing is just $27.45 a month. If you need an extra medical alert button, they are available for a small cost of $29.95 - $60.00 depending on the system type, click here to see the HOME Medical Alert Button. For around $1 a day, you or your loved one will be protected and able to continue living independently.
Can the button go with me if I move or am on vacation?
You can easily take our "HOME" or "HOME & YARD" systems with you on vacation, or if you are a SnowBird. It is very easy to unplug and re-install. Simply notify Medical Care Alert Customer Service at 877-913-3680 of your current location. Information can be changed anytime and as many times as needed at no charge.
Our "HOME & AWAY" systems can be taken anywhere in the USA. You will be protected anywhere you have coverage with the AT&T or Verizon Wireless networks.
See What South Dakota Residents Say About Medical Care Alert:
South Dakota Fun Fact: South Dakota boasts more miles of shoreline than the state of Florida and the highest point in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains.
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